President Joe Biden’s favorite son, Hunter Biden, apparently is seeking ways to make a move to Ukraine and retire there. It’s pretty much a given that he’s made a bundle of bucks there. Likewise for his Dad, Mr. 10%. When we reached out to Hunter, he was unavailable for comment, but a former Ukranian prosecutor sent us a message on Biden’s behalf. To the best of our interpretation, it went something like this:
Хантер Байден заробив багато брудних грошей тут, в Україні. Ми поняття не маємо, скільки, але його тато, ну, цей сукиний син мене звільнив. І Джо надсилає сюди мільярди доларів, тому Хантер зможе отримати більше грошей тут, ніж у соціальній системі США. Translation: Hunter Biden made a lot of dirty money here in Ukraine. We have no idea how much, but his dad, well, that son of a bitch fired me. And Joe sends billions of dollars here, so Hunter will be able to get more money here than in the US social system.