South Lowell, Al — A life changing event happened in down town South Lowell. It happened at Libby’s of Lowell, the only Yoga bar in town. Libby’s is a combination Yoga Class and Bar, and it is one busy venue. Recently, Libby Cox, owner and operator of Libby’s of Lowell, began having mixed classes, and things had began to really rock at the place. Even though there was only one guy that attended the new mixed classes, it appeared that he was very popular among the members there. His name was Brit Conner, a local guy that always seemed ready for a challenge. Evidently, the challenge this day was just a little too much.
As the class began and they did their warm ups as a prelude to the more robust exercises to come, everything seemed to be normal without any problems. After their initial cool down before they eased into their new techniques, Ms Cox warned the class that this next phase would be a little more strenuous, so they needed to proceed with caution and do not stress your body. Things were going smoothly, when all of a sudden, Mr. Conner screamed out in pain. The class came to a halt and Ms Cox and a couple of other students rushed to the aid of Mr Conner.
All of a sudden, a disgusting odor began to fill the room, and everyone began coughing and gagging, and had to exit the building. As the paramedics arrived and loaded Conner up to take him to the hospital, no one was allowed back into the building. No one was quite sure what the terrible odor was, so until this was figured out, the building would be closed.
We were able to interview Mr Conner at the hospital and we give to you, his side of the story.
In that new exercise, I over extended, first of all, and then I reached for my cup, and when I did, I felt something pop. and when I tried to retract from my position, the strain and stress caused me to pass gas. And it was one of those rapid fire types of passing gas. I fired off about 8 quick rounds and man, it made me nauseous. The smell actually made me gag. I guess it might have been the boiled cabbage and beer I had before class. I hear they still haven’t cleared the smell out of the place yet. I’m really sorry that happened. It’s embarrassing.
We have learned that Libby’s of Lowell will reopen on Monday, March 27th at 9:00 AM.