Competitions include:
Spiritual Gifts competition, focusing on prophecy and interpretation; Healing; Faith
[Example: Prophecy – one guy did predict weather would be 70/30 in a 24 hour time period
In the Cast of Slaying in the Spirit – there will be three categories
1. Best technique 2. Most simultaneously slain in one setting 3. Most credible catchers
Objects used in Slaying competition: 1] Breath 2] Hand wave 3] Sports Coat
Cell phone ministry text-off -the most creative use of robocalls
Spiritual begging – most creative plea for tithes (money or properties or other materialistic gifts; airplanes, etc)
Spiritual fleecing – most creative expenditure of money taken in
Best Hair – Face off- Benny Hinn vs Ernest Angley
Judges will be announced before competition begins.
Referees provided if necessary.