Spartanburg, SC — A local church here is in the news for all the wrong reasons. The musicians, or better known as, the Praise and Worship Band, at Half Way Christian Church have demanded that they start receiving union scale pay for their services, or they will disband. Rickie McMasters, leader of the band, says that they will now have to be paid union scale of $152 per musician, for each performance in the church, and for rehearsals, they will collect $93 each.
McMasters told us that her pastor, Devon Hickey, was adamant in his refusal to listen to us. We would ask for a cut of the offering, but most of that goes to him and the flower fund, as you can see throughout the sanctuary.
McMasters has said that they have given Pastor Hickey a deadline of April 1, 2017 to comply, or else they will have to resort to playing CD’s for their praise and worship portion of the service. “Most of our musicians in the band are complaining about not being able to buy new outfits, plus, it’s almost time for spring break, and a little money to party on would be a blessing.” McMasters said.