McCormick, SC — Pastor Cory Lattimer, of the Plum Branch Holy Ghost Church has at least one pet peeve, and he says it makes him absolutely crazy. Pastor Cory says that when some of his parishioners come up to him and tell him that they have an unspoken prayer request, he all but goes bezerk. The Pastor and I sat down to a friendly little chat for a brief spell, and he explained to me, just what it is that sets him off so, regarding these unspoken prayer requests. Here is what this minister had to say:
“Well, first off, when a man comes up and tells me he has an unspoken prayer request, it’s usually he’s been gambling or running around on his wife, or both. I don’t get those type of requests from men very often. But the women of the church, it’s like at least two or three every Sunday morning. Usually, theirs has to do with either gossip and rumors, flirting with someone at work, or just out and out being a trouble maker. The thing I dislike the most about those unspoken prayer requests, it teaches their kids to act like they can just tell God that He already knows what’s going on, so take care of it. It’s bad enough these families seem to have so much secrecy amongst themselves, that they think they can go to the preacher, and make that unspoken request, and the preacher’ll go right straight to God, and ask God if he’ll honor another one of these unspoken prayer requests. I don’t know, but I don’t think even God likes it too much.”
“I’ve mentioned this to my Deacon Board, but they’re too scared to say or do anything. They’d want to bring it to a vote. Seeing how this church started out when it merged with a Baptist Church, there are still a few folks who still like to vote on things, and have those meetings and follow those procedures. They’re more in tune with Robert’s Rules of Order than the Bible and the Holy Ghost. As they say in football, it is what it is. Well, until it ain’t anymore.”